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HomeLatest“IIT JEE Preparation Books” - By Er. PRS MURTHY

“IIT JEE Preparation Books” – By Er. PRS MURTHY

About the author: Er.PRS Murthy(Raghav )is an experienced iitjee physics faculty that has guided many students into premier engineering and medical colleges in India and abroad. He has taught physics to many first year undergraduate students also. He has authored many physics teaching articles and books. He graduated in mechanical engineering from sv University and obtained from NIFFT. He has guided many junior lecturers in his career. He is an article reviewer for American Journal of physics and also a judge for text book awards given by TAA(Text book and academic authors association, USA).

Summary of the book: This Raghav series on new syllabus introduced in iitjee physics advanced 2023 discusses the topics damped oscillations, second law of thermodynamics, diffraction and polarization and em waves in detai in its 4 volumes. Many problems at jee advanced level are discussed in detail and all problems have solutions.

  1. Can you tell us a little about your book?

It is a time tested fact that jee advanced paper setters always give new questions. So it is expected that good number of questions from these topics would appear in physics papers of jee advanced. If you grab raghav series, learn and solve all the problems, you shall surely have an edge over other aspirants.

2. Is there a specific event that inspired this story or was this an out of the blue idea?

As an experienced iitjee physics faculty I knew that these books are important to be written.

3. What got you writing in the first place?

There is no literature available in these topics to suit exactly the needs of jee advanced aspirants. So I thought of authoring this series.

4. What was your impression of your first draft when you read it?

I was happy.

5. Which part of your story connects the most with you? Why?

As I have mentioned all these are important.(And the books do not have any stories)

6. What makes your book the one to read?

These are the only available books for new syllabus introduced in iitjee advanced physics. Also the readers find very interesting explanations that would drive away the misconceptions.

7. What was the best advice you got while writing?

Didn’t have any advice from anyone.

8. Who’s your all-time favourite author? Which book of his/hers made you fall in love with them?

Prof HCVerma, Resnick and Haliday

9. What is your evergreen tip to the writers out there?

When you write science and maths always move from to the Known to the Unknown, that too very smoothly. Never introduce any concept abruptly( unless it’s only a problem book)

10. What was your hardest scene to write?


11. Do you have another plot brewing?

I want to write series of problem books and theory books in classical physics (to suit competitive exams, degree/ University physics exams)

The Series of My Books are attached below:

  • Raghav Series on new syllabus introduced in IIT-JEE physics advanced. (2023) VOL- 1 Damped Oscillations, Forced Oscillations and Resonance
  • Raghav Series on new syllabus introduced in IIT-JEE physics Volume 2: Second Law of Thermodynamics and Heat Engines
  • Raghav Series on new syllabus introduced in IIT-JEE physics advanced. (2023) Vol – 3 Diffraction and Polarization of light
  • Raghav Series on new syllabus introduced in IIT-JEE physics advanced. (2023) VOL- 4: EM Waves and Radiation Pressure



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