Hey, isn’t she the same girl who went on a trip last month? How much would she be earning? Is she an influencer? Does she roam a lot? What’s even her ROI? Is she getting paid for all these fun activities, or is she just wasting her life? It’s her 20s/30s/40s, why is she even doing all this, it’s not suiting her even a bit.
Too many questions right? That’s what minding others’ business sounds like. You wasted many minutes of your life, judging someone else’s life.
But what if you were able to spend those minutes on your own life? What if you wasted these minutes on your life to explore where you can make improvements? What if in these minutes you were able to know what you are good at and what you are worst at?
Too many What Ifs I can think of over here, but down here, I’ll be mentioning 5 strong reasons why I believe “Minding Your Own Business” can bring more success to your life, and trust me, the ROI you will be getting will be MASSIVE:
You get more control over your life
When you start minding your own business, you get to know yourself more. And while you are on the journey of understanding yourself better, you don’t try to fix the outside drama. All the unnecessaries simply wash off from your brain.
Moreover, when you get to know yourself, you don’t wait for external validation. You now know your actions and reactions more, which directly or indirectly has a positive impact on your health, career, and relationships.
Now that you have explored every bit of yourself a little more, you will stand more firm than ever. You will know by what action you can hurt people, and who exactly in the group (society) needs your attention. The words that will come from your mouth will be from your heart and mind because over here you are nowhere getting influenced by external energies.
The circle in which you will stay around the clock will know your actions better, and you will be setting an example for each one of them.
You save time
The one wonderful thing about minding your own business is it literally saves huge hours. Now, tell me a human who gets more than 24 hours in a day to live? There’s no one right?
Let’s do a bit of calculation here, you went out for a chill movie night with your friends, and everyone around you started gossiping – the talk went on for 45 minutes, which means you just have 23 hours, and 15 minutes left for yourself – you wasted 2700 seconds of your life, and what was the reward here? Nothing!
Whereas, what if you at the moment decided to skip the conversation and instead read a good novel, or a podcast for those 45 minutes – that would be something rewarding!
Remember that both your attention and your time is a finite resource, so the earlier you get to understand where to keep yourself invested, the greater the returns you can expect.
You get more learning opportunities
All possible innovations on the earth by any human to date revolve around three steps – doing, trying, failing, and then repeating it all again. No extraordinary human was able to do any extraordinary stuff by meddling in other people’s business. And even if you want to, the outcome would never be in your favor.
So, if you really want to do extraordinary things in your life, don’t waste your valuable hours on someone else’s business. When you mind your own business, you stay silent, and you think of only those things that will benefit you.
You can make MORE MONEY!
Finally, how can I forget about money affairs? When you start minding your own business, you become an expert in things that you are really good at. You will speak about those subjects that benefit you, your words come from accomplishments and not from assumptions. Hence, you get many money-making opportunities – you can write a book, provide consultation, become a subject matter expert, or just be a knowledgeable influencer.
To give you a better example here, all the greatest innovations on the earth, be it an apple falling on Newton’s head to him learning more about gravitation, and the launch of cell phones because landlines weren’t portable, happened because people wanted to overcome challenges in their own life. And this was only possible because at that time they learned the art of minding their own business.
There are some exceptions as well!
Now, minding your own business doesn’t mean you must develop an ego and stay selfish. That’s not how it goes. Instead, it means your work/action/business should not in any way harm others – both physically and emotionally. Your knowledge/experience/resources must be of great help to others, because when you mind your own business, your capacity of helping others genuinely increases.
“Mind Your Own Business” isn’t a rude gesture, it is an art, and since you’re the artist of your life, it’s better to learn this art style as early as you can, trust me you won’t regret it;)
Written by Jaishree Nenwani
Author of “Tiny Habits Massive Results”
Based out of New Delhi, India Jaishree Nenwani is an Author, blogger, and homepreneur. She is passionate about journaling and loves to share wisdom and journaling tools that invoke deeper authenticity and Personal transformation.
On her blog (https://getsethappy.com ) she writes about Self-improvement, Personal growth, and ways to become happier in your life.
Connect with her on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, and LinkedIn @jaishreenenwani