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Grandeur of Ancient Indian Knowledge depicted through a gripping tale of Adventure and mystery.

Mr. S.P.Nayak,author of the book “THE TRUST HERITAGE” is a highly accomplished Educationist and Trainer. He received his education from Jiwaji University Gwalior and acclaimed a gold medal in his post graduation. He also holds prestigious Cambridge TKT certification. The author is working as a Faculty Member with the Department of Technical Education, Government of Madhya Pradesh. However, this is his first book, he has been involved in creative writing for a long time. The author’s deep interest in the streams of Ancient Indian Knowledge and his keenness to reveal the grandeur of Vedic knowledge, along with his innate skill of storytelling resulted in the creation of this masterpiece. He hails from a family which has a deep-rooted faith in the exceptional scholastic achievements of Great Indian Scholars. The author also hints about few autobiographical elements in the story.

Let’s immerse into the author’s views on his book and get a few glimpses of the mysterious and secret world delineated in his work:

Q1. In a time, when western culture is triumphing over Indian ways of living and indigenous social values, how do you come up with a story narrating the superiority of Indian cultural elements?

Ans:- THE TRUST HERITAGE is a tale that narrates the story of a rational youth who experiences a recurrent dream but considers the dream a normal activity. Later, he comes across a series of events and realises that there are many things beyond the reach of science. Modern science considers many concepts as pseudosciences, e.g. alchemy, telepathy and clairvoyance etc. just because of the nonavailability of scientific proofs. Is it appropriate?
Let me quote from the book itself, “Science cannot transcend senses and language cannot express silence. These are linear concepts, while the universe is multidimensional and multifold.”

Q2. Really, that is a thought provoking idea. Can you tell us a little more about the evolution of these ideas in the story ?

Ans:- The protagonist of the story is a youth from a small village who is a prodigy. Initially, he himself considers the modern scientific achievements to be far superior than the wisdom shared by Ancient Indian scholars, but later realises that the achievements of ancient Indians were more advanced. Our ancient system focused on the overall development of the individual. Knowledge was not only a cognitive content for them; it also included moral, physical, spiritual and intellectual aspects also. Simultaneously, they laid great emphasis on human values such as empathy, humility, truthfulness, discipline, self-reliance, and respect for all creations- even to the most trivial objects of nature.
This is a gripping tale that entices the reader throughout the storyline, with its fine blending of mystery, suspense and spiritual excellence.

Q3. What inspired you to create a book on such a different theme?

Ans:- I observed that despite the spread of education in the society, the levels of knowledge and skills are falling. At the same time, the respect for our glorious past is also reducing. It is just because of the system of education that aims only at providing degrees and not on the real value-addition in an individual. Let me quote again from my book, “A system that tends to produce positions cannot be said to be education. This is merely a business with no aims and objectives, having motives only. Education is about nurturing the natural talent of a child and simultaneously, training him to act in a socially approved manner and avoid deviant behaviour.”

I have no hesitation to state that our current scientific achievements are centuries behind what our ancestors achieved thousands of years ago.

Q4. So, how did you deal with such concepts of logical reasoning in a work of fiction?

Ans:- These are the undercurrents in the storyline, which contains many real events. The story culminates when the protagonist finds an inscription in a historical building. The inscription and the place are both real. The trials and tribulations that the protagonist faces across extreme terrain, are also real. All the places mentioned in the story are real. A few characters are fictional while others are inspired by the people I came across in my life.
The story doesn’t challenge the credibility of modern science. It rather refutes the labels of pseudoscience on Indian streams of knowledge and justifies their genuineness and concreteness.

Despite being a work of fiction, the book deals with factual events. It’s not a work of fantasy as far as the plot is concerned, but the story transports the readers to a real world, where even the common events are fanciful to us.

“There is no magic in the world created by the Almighty. Our ignorance and fear of the unknown create magic. The magic lies in our position of having the view and nothing else.”

Q5. What is one key concept from the book you would like to tell your readers? Is there any advice that you wish to share with them on writing, reading, and life apart from the books you have written?

Ans:- I think the answer to your question lies in the text quoted from the book:
“The feeling of self-pride is the supreme happiness, and we have the privilege of having such glory. Our ancestors knew thousands of years ago that Antares was the biggest thing in the sky, and that’s why they called it Jyeshtha. They calculated the speed of light in an era when the rest of the world was pursuing a primitive life. So, develop a sense of glory in your past and feel privileged to be a bearer of a rich heritage. Choose what you want to do, what you are good at, what strengthens your competence, what unifies your temperament and abilities, and what makes you feel relaxed. If you choose your area of interest as your profession, you will never feel exhausted.”

And last but not least, the frequently repeated sentence in the book: “When things seem out of your control, leave everything to God, without doubt, and without thinking about the consequences.”



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