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HomeLatestEmpowering the Modern Parent: Nayan Rath's Insightful Parenting Guides

Empowering the Modern Parent: Nayan Rath’s Insightful Parenting Guides

Meet the author of few parenting guides— a dynamic Mom, former Faculty, and ex-Banker, who seamlessly weave her diverse journey into a tapestry of emotional wisdom.

She is Nayan Rath, a Certified Associate of IIB, Counsellor in CBT & REBT, DMIT & MBA, a Content Writer, and a POSH Consultant, now working as an Educator, Parental & Relationship Coach. She is a passionate writer! coauthored 25-plus Books & published 3 Solo Books which have hit no.1 Best Seller Rank in Amazon Kindle. She writes in various national and international magazines like ‘Working Mama’ who have reviewed two of her books on an international platform with excellent appreciation. She has been honored with the Most Popular Author by TUS Writer Award 2022. Writing keeps her preoccupied emotionally after a long operational career.

She unraveled the delicate threads of parenting & seamlessly stitched them with classroom insights, financial acumen & emotional understanding. Her analytical pen offers unique perspectives to raising Alpha kids with a message ‘Every emotional investment is a valuable asset in the bank of family bonds.’

Her soft whispers blend tenderness of motherhood with strict practicality of banking to create a treasure to cherish the book of life.

Amazon link to her books:- 7 Sparks To Teenage Parenting 7 Secrets To Magical Parenting

Let’s delve into the author’s insights

Q. Tell us something about your book.

Ans: Most of my Clients are Millennials who enjoy divine parental bliss followed by expectational pressure. Parenthood is divine but a biggest gamble also. It’s a relationship, a social structure, a full-time identity! With abundant information available online for Parents & boundless influence of social media on teenagers, raising kids is exhausting with a fair share of highs and lows. It needs a cocktail of profound forgiveness, a bundle of grace & grit of love.

My first book ‘7 Secrets to Magical Parenting’ is a smart delve into the enchanting world to unlock the wider side of parenting potential amidst connection & joyful moments. Through captivating chapters I venture some scientific means to know our child, foresee what they will become, connect emotionally & celebrate their small achievements.  Ways to find when/how to say sorry & channelize their outburst to guide them when they are confused between their behaviour & societal expectations. Art of smart parenting is to evaluate our own parenting styles where every moment becomes an opportunity to create wonderful connection. Second book ‘Golden Memoirs! is 21 hues of cherished Relationships. It is an unforgettable experience to bring 21 different personalities under one caption to publish their impactful creations.

3rd Book ‘ 7 Sparks To Teenage Parenting ‘ is pretty close to my heart. It narrates 7 different aspects of Teenager’s roller coaster rides based on real life experiences. It speaks tales of love vs. conflict, challenges vs. reward in parent-child bonds that intertwine a reality check.”

Teenage is a phase of turbulence. Off & on we face slammed doors, bad choices, and unfathomable frowns! We trespass ever-changing landscapes of crestfallen issues with cyberbullying, rising celebrity culture & make our teenagers overprotected with Entitled enabling, overparented not to face emotional bruises. And Universe compels us to adopt appropriate style keeping Gen Alpha’s creativity, enhanced outlook & pouring overconfidence.

Bottomline! adolescents still need to be hugged, be talked about hard stuff, and be listened to respectfully. Love those monsters every single day and tell them you do. They still need you even if their bubbling hormones don’t admit it. Kids will make mistakes, fail a test, blame  parents, and have emotional outbursts. Still they are super bright, horribly funny and lovingly sweet. Be reasonable to pamper them with flexible terms.

Hope these books will help the new-age parents raise their kids with sparkling parenthood where all Luv and Hate stories begin and end.

Q. Why did you write this book?

Ans: Honestly my counselling spree with positive feedback prompted me. As a Faculty cum Banker & a Mother, I’ve had the privilege of witnessing firsthand experience of holistic development, not just in life skills but in emotional resilience. Through my emotional vulnerability I realized ‘the principles of effective teaching and financial management can beautifully intertwine with the art of parenting. And my journey from financial guy to an emotional facilitator and a Writer started.

These books are harmonious blend of knowledge & experience to nurture the next generation & leave a legacy. It’s a small guide to empower parents to raise well-rounded individuals.

Q. What is the Inspiration behind Writing the book ?

Ans: The inspiration obviously is my daughter Dr. Anwesha! A Child Psychiatrist herself. On her support I could complete this unpredictable yet beautiful path with lessons learned, tears shed and triumphs savoured, guilts swallowed & joys celebrated. Each tender moment, each challenge, has illuminated my journey from Mother to Author: reinventing & decorating parent -child bonding  with boundless possibilities. Over the pages my narratives unfold – a tribute to the belief that every parent is an author, penning an enduring legacy.

Moreover my junior Banker Colleagues & clients encourage me to write on mutual relationship & time appropriate parenting styles .

Q. What message you want to give to the Readers through the books .

Ans: My aim is to impart a transformative message of empowerment that resonates deeply with every reader. Let them recognize, parenting is not just a role, but a sacred opportunity to nurture connection cohesively with the new generation. Going forward they can find practical guidance, heartfelt anecdotes, and a fresh perspective that help  them embrace the challenges of parenthood .Lastly my books are remainder that parenting journey , though complex, is rich with rewards .With the right strategies, we can create a lasting legacy of love, resilience, and growth in our children’s lives.

Parenting is a sensitive privilege. Let us cherish it with a shuttle delicacy.

Amazon link to her books:- 7 Sparks To Teenage parenting 7 Secrets To Magical Parenting


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